Kitchen Cupboard DoorsWe specialise in manufacturing our Kitchen Cupboard Doors to your specification, ensuring a perfect match to the rest of your kitchen. Doors comprise a frame combined with a decorative panel and can be made from either wood, glass or metal. Door panels are typically left "floating" within the frame, to allow for seasonal expansion and contraction. If selecting wood, we offer both solid wood and veneered engineered wood. Solid wood allows us to produce finer detail on both frames and panels. Where glass doors are selected, the effect can be enhanced by using glass shelves to allow light to reach throughout the cabinet. Concealed interior down-lighting can also make a dramatic impact. It is not always necessary to start from scratch and renew your entire kitchen. We can build doors and panels to fit your the carcasses you already have. This can breathe life into your kitchen, less the cost of new units. We also have a budget range of doors available. These too can be made to any size, to suit your existing kitchen. To download a brochure of the doors in the Vetreo range click here. We also have a wide selection of samples available in our showroom |